Flea markets in Bangalore

Flea markets are a foreign concept to Bangalore as there are numerous ‘regular’ outdoor markets in which haggling is the word of the minute.

There are, however, several street markets selling a variety of knick-knacks. Great shopping streets include:

  • Avenue Road: Discover your bargaining skills here, while you negotiate for anything and everything, including clothes and consumer durables.
  • Shivajinagar Area: A mish-mash mixture of treasures, from kitchenware to new and used furniture. Again, bargain, bargain, bargain!
  • Chikpet: A few fixed price signs though bargaining is still the order of the day in this bustling marketplace. Some quality clothes to be found, alongside electronics and books.

See the “Outdoor Markets” section for more information on what could be considered a flea market in Bangalore.
