Medical facilities in Paris

There are no special medical precautions or required vaccinations necessary for entering Paris. Make sure, however, that you do bring enough medications, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, to tide you over until you are able to find a doctor in Paris. Ask your physician to give you copies of records of ongoing treatments and to write new prescriptions using both the trade and generic name of the medication. Do not forget a copy of your eyeglass prescription, an extra pair of glasses or contact lenses, as well as lens solutions.

It is also always wise to make sure that your immunizations are up-to-date. Make sure to bring a record of these with you to France so that if you need a booster, you have the correct dates and information.

Should you need medical attention, France healthcare system is among the best in the world, medical facilities of the highest quality, physicians are highly trained and pharmacists are helpful and knowledgeable.
