Retirement in Argentina

Retirement in Argentina is a popular choice for many retireses. It is a diverse and beautiful country that is often compared to Europe in terms of its culture and architecture and it offers an affordable alternative for those who wish to retire in Europe but can’t quite afford the living expenses.

Living Expenses

Argentina has a very low cost of living and for this reason it is highly attractive as an expatriate retirement destination. Costs may vary from location to location, but it is entirely feasible and possible to live comfortably in the country for less that $1000 USD per month.


Argentina has a well-developed national health system that is available to all, even those from abroad, although there are some limitations to this latter group. However, the health service here does experience high demands for services and there are often long waiting lists for treatment and operations. Many people opt for private healthcare in order to avoid this and ensure that they have access to the care levels they require during their retirement in Argentina.


The price of housing in Argentina means that many expatriates are able to afford properties that are far superior to that they would enjoy in their home country. There are great real estate opportunities throughout the country, although it is generally only possible to purchase a property if you pay in cash, so you may need to ensure you have sufficient funds in advance.

There are many different places to live during retirement in Argentina. Many people opt for the capital, Buenos Aires, where they can enjoy an atmosphere that is vibrant, diverse and rich in culture. For those seeking a quieter destination for their retirement the Argentine countryside offers a viable alternative and many retired expats choose to live in a private ranch where they can pass the days in peace and quiet.

Social and political climate

Unfortunately crime is high in Argentina and expatriates living in the area will need to safe guard against theft. Police patrols are common, especially within the popular expatriate areas and—on the whole—public security in the major cities is good.

Public demonstrations are very common in Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires and some of these in the past have turned violent so it is best to avoid them. In addition strikes take place on a regular basis and these will cause expatriate retirees living here a high amount of inconvenience.


Argentina has a solid infrastructure that is well established and effective. There are over 230,000 km of roadways and a train network that covers the majority of the country.

Argentinean Retirement Visa Requirements

Obtaining a visa for retirement in Argentina is relatively straightforward. You generally have two options; you can apply for a retirement visa or can opt for a steady income visa. For both types of visa you will need a valid passport.

In order to qualify for the retirement visa you will need proof of your status as a retiree, your last two retirement payslips and a monthly incoming pension in the region of AR$ 2,000.

If you are wishing to retire early then you should consider the steady income visa. In order to qualify for this you will require a statement from a chartered accountant that certifies you have an income in the region of AR$ 2,500 per month.

For both types of visa you are required to have at least AR$ 5,000 in a bank account, 3 passport photographs, marriage and birth certficiates, divorce paperwork, where relevant, and a police check.

For full details about the latest visa requirements for retiring in Argentina please see our city guide to living in Buenos Aires. These contain full and up to date details of the visa requirements and application process.
