Expatriate Tax Guide

One of the most complex and difficult issues that expatriates and global nomads will have to deal with when living, working and retiring abroad is tax. No matter when you plan to live abroad or if you are currently at your expat destination, tax is almost always an unavoidable necessity. Tax issues are always complex, but expat tax is more so. ExpatInfoDesk is not a tax expert and we do not provide tax or legal advice, but we can provide some basic tips and links to numerous expat tax advisors who may be able to assist you in your tax requirements and questions during your stay abroad.

Why Work with an Expat Tax Expert

If you are already living abroad or about to, your regular tax advisory might be able to assist you with your tax abroad, but the operative word is “might” be able to assist. Much more often than not, regular tax accountants and advisors have limited or no experience or understanding of expat tax issues. We highly recommend that you work with an expat tax advisor!

Choosing an Expat Tax Advisor

If you are a global nomad or expat, then it definitely makes sense to choose an expat tax advisor, but how? There are a lot of factors that need to be discussed, but we have provided some key tips for choosing an expatriate tax firm and advisor. View our list of expatriate tax advisors and consultants HERE!

Expat Tax Articles

We have either written or been provided numerous articles on expatriate tax issues. Here is a link to all the expat tax articles on ExpatInfoDesk.com
