Local Newspapers

Houston has one daily newspaper, the Houston Chronicle – http://www.chron.com The paper can be home delivered or picked up in supermarkets and convenient stores. On the weekends, the paper offers a Sunday edition with a high volume of coupons and the paper is sold at most major street corners starting Saturday late morning. Specify that you want the Sunday edition on Saturdays or you will get the normal Saturday paper. The price is slightly higher for the thicker Sunday edition.

Another popular paper is the weekly newspaper Houston Press – http://www.houstonpress.com The Houston Press has Houston specific community news, events, movie information, reviews of restaurants, bars, stores, and much more. It is a free paper that you can pick up at the newstand in supermarkets, convenient stores, coffee shops, restaurants, and bars.

Most neighborhoods also have local newspaper or community papers that are published by the home owners association or an independent publisher covering that particular suburb or the larger area. These papers can contain local news, tips for new stores or restaurants or other types of business in the area, local classifieds and even historic information about the area you live in. You don’t have to subscribe to these papers, they are automatically distributed to all residents in a specific area.

Business Newspapers

The Houston Business Journal – http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/ is a good resource for anything business in Houston. You can subscribe to it online or in paper form.

International Newspapers

International newspapers are not common in Houston and are hard to find. The one place you can get international newspapers is:


Garam Chai – http://www.garamchai.com/Newspapers.htm
Listing of newspapers and magazines for Asians in the U.S. in the home country’s language

HR-Net – http://www.hri.org/nodes/grmm.html
Listing of newspapers from Greece, Balkans, Turkey and general Europe in the home country’s language, updated daily

Daily Earth – http://www.dailyearth.com/IntnNews/japan.html
Listing of Japanese newspapers in the home country’s language, updated daily

GLP News – http://www.glpnews.com/EN/index.html
Subscription service to original German and Eastern Europe magazines delivered to the U.S.

Many expats just check online daily and some good news websites are:

China Daily – http://www.chinadaily.com.cn (Chinese news in Chinese or English)

France 24 – http://www.france24.com/en (International news in French or English)

BBC – http://news.bbc.co.uk (International news in English)

Cafebabel – http://www.cafebabel.com/ (European news in French, Spanish, Polish, Italian and German)
