Private schools in Barcelona

Primary education is obligatory in Catalunya, for students between the ages 6-16 years-old. From age 12 to 16, students in the state-funded education system are taught entirely in Catalan. After these four years, students then go on to complete the Formación Post-Obligatoria where students can study for the Batxillerat, for a place at University or gain more practical training ((‘formació professional or FP).

Typically, the private Catalan schools can run about €8,000 per year and the concertadas (which are semi-private and partly state funded) can run upwards of €2,000 per year.

As previously mentioned, state education (or public education) in Catalunya is free, co-ed and entirely conducted in Catalan rather than Spanish, which can prove to be a challenge for expats, especially if they are not even fluent in Spanish. While public school is a good way to integrate into the local community, there are drawbacks such as class size, limited resources/funding and not as many elective-type courses offered.

In the private school system, there are two options: 1) attending an entirely private school (no state-funding and parents must cover all costs, which are usually significant), and, 2) semi-privates schools, which are partly funded by the state (concertados). Fees in these schools are generally lower than in other exclusively private schools, and they have a good reputation.

The private/semi-private system has an excellent reputation, and many Catalan parents (who can afford to) prefer to place their children in the system because they feel that there are advantages, such as picking up another language (although concertados teach primarily in Catalan), the graduation rate is higher and the student-teacher ratio is much better.

Securing a spot in the private/semi-private school, is very competitive. All of the exclusively private schools require placing your name on the list, and then if you are lucky enough to be granted admission (by luck of the draw or knowing someone on the school board) you are required to make a “donation” which for private schools can run in the 4000 Euro range! The concertados have the same process as the public school for enrollment, so it’s a matter of being lucky enough to secure a place (or knowing someone on the inside). Please refer to our public schools section to read more about the enrollment process.

As you can infer, education is not cheap in Barcelona, but the private and semi-private schools are excellent. Listed below are schools which fall into these two categories and come highly recommended from other parents.

Private and Semi-Private Schools Barcelona:

Col·legi Lestonnac Barcelona
Address: C Pau Claris, 131
District: Eixample
Telephone: 932159900

Escola Casp – Sagrat Cor de Jesús
Address: C Casp, 25
District: Eixample
Telephone: 933183704

Escola Immaculada
Address: C Dos de Maig, 251
District: Eixample
Telephone: 932463200

Escola IPSE
Address: C Casanova, 175
District: Eixample
Telephone: 933215099

Escola Mare de Déu de les Escoles Pies

Address: C Aragó, 302
District: Eixample
Telephone: 934882166

Escola Sagrada Família
Address: C Comte d’Urgell, 262
District: Eixample
Telephone: 934394800

Escola Sant Francesc d’Assís
Address: Pl Universitat, 2
District: Eixample
Telephone: 934545954

Escola Urgell
Address: C Comte d’Urgell, 133
District: Eixample
Telephone: 934530299

Llar d’Infants – Parvulari Griselda
Address: C Parlament, 30
District: Eixample
Telephone: 933294749
Ciutat Vella

Escola La Salle Comtal
Address: C Amadeu Vives, 6
District: Ciutat Vella
Telephone: 932682033

Escola Pia Sant Antoni

Address: Rda Sant Pau, 72
District: Ciutat Vella
Telephone: 934410605

Escola Sant Felip Neri
Address: Pl Sant Felip Neri, 6
District: Ciutat Vella
Telephone: 933011296

Escola Aula Escuela Europea
Address: Av Mare de Déu de Lorda, 34*36
District: Les Corts
Telephone: 932030354

Escola Col·legi Loreto – Abat Oliba
Address: Av Pearson, 22*26
District: Les Corts
Telephone: 932040816

Escola Sant Pau
Address: Av Pearson, 39
District: Les Corts
Telephone: 932030500

Col·legi Al·leluia
Address: Milà i Fontanals, 4
District: Gràcia
Telephone: 934575848

Escola Claret
Address: C Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 49
District: Gràcia
Telephone: 932081830

Escola Cor de Maria
Address: C Mare de Déu de la Salut, 17
District: Gràcia
Telephone: 932130181

Escola Mare de Déu del Coll
Address: C Santuari, 28
District: Gràcia
Telephone: 932846543

Escola Bon Pastor
Address: C Sant Adrià, 134
District: Sant Andreu
Telephone: 933140451

Escola Aloma
Address: C Torrent de can Piquer, 21
District: Nou Barris
Telephone: 934087625

Escola Amor de Dios
Address: C Teide, 25
District: Nou Barris
Telephone: 934293921

Escola Camí II
Address: C Vèlia, 28
District: Nou Barris
Telephone: 933117451

Escola Alfageme
Address: Pg Zona Franca, 198
District: Sants-Montjuïc
Telephone: 933323246

Escola Anna Ravell
Address: C Blasco de Garay, 52
District: Sants-Montjuïc
Telephone: 934425027

Escola Maristes Sants – Les Corts – Edifici c/ Antoni de Campmany
Address: Antoni de Capmany, 80
District: Sants-Montjuïc
Telephone: 933326900

Escola Nostra Senyora del Carme
Address: C Saleta, 10
District: Sants-Montjuïc
Telephone: 933396277

Escola Calassanç
Address: C Joan de Peguera, 42
District: Sant Martí
Telephone: 934569303

Escola Grèvol
Address: C Provençals, 9
District: Sant Martí
Telephone: 933031103

Escola Providencia del Corazón de Jesús
Address: C Scala Dei, 1
District: Horta-Guinardó
Telephone: 934275121

Escola Regina Carmeli

Address: C Eduard Toda, 37
District: Horta-Guinardó
Telephone: 934278371


Escola Roig Tesalia
Address: C Marina, 333
District: Gracia
Telephone: 934364051

Escola Augusta
Address: C Rector Ubach, 60
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 932092735

Escola Betània – Patmos
Address: Av Mare de Déu de Lorda, 2
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 932521900

Escola Centre Educatiu Projecte

Address: Av Tibidabo, 16
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 934170321

Escola Col·legi Montserrat
Address: Av Vallvidrera, 68*74
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 932038800

Escola Infant Jesús
Address: C Avenir, 19
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 932006788

Escola La Salle Bonanova
Address: Pg Bonanova, 8
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 932540950

Escola Nausica
Address: C Muntaner, 309
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 932004340

Escola Peter Pan
Address: C Immaculada, 4
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 934180195

Escola Sagrado Corazón
Address: C Eduardo Conde, 17
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 932038754

Escola Sant Ignasi

Address: C Carrasco i Formiguera, 32
District: Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Telephone: 936023000
