Sports Event in Hanoi

There are no regular professional sports events in Hanoi. Occasionally there are regional or international sports competitions, such as the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Football Championships in 2009. When there’s an event in town everybody will be talking about it, but keep your eye on the Vietnam News as well.

Vietnamese love sports, especially football (soccer), so all major international competitions are televised. The World Cup, Major League Baseball, the NBA and NFL, European League Football, rugby, and cricket can all be seen on TV, and major games or matches are shown in most bars and cafés.

A couple of places to lift a glass and watch a game or match are:

Ete Restaurant Bar (a French establishment)
95 Giang Văn Minh, Tel: 09 7675 1331

The New Hanoian website is the best message board to see who’s watching what where:
