10 Practical Things Every Expat Needs When They First Relocate

Things Every Expat Needs Want to make the first few days living in a new city that little bit easier? Make sure you are prepared with the practical items that you will need at your beckon call as soon as you arrive. Having relocated ourselves on too...

Being a male trailing spouse – a stay at home dad speaks out

More and more men are now following their wife or partner around the world and are finding a whole different lifestyle to adapt to, many of these are also bringing up children. Jay who writes the very forthright blog English Dad in Moscow has given...

7 Fantastic Reasons Why You Should Pack up and Relocate Overseas

If you are considering international relocation but seem to be able to formulate more reasons why you should stay at home than why you should move overseas, then let us step in and provide you with some reasons why moving abroad may be the best thi...