Blogs Articles related to Expat Tax

4 Best Ways for US Expats to Reduce Their US Tax Bill

American citizens and green card holders living abroad have to keep filing US taxes every year, however, there are strategies available that they can use to reduce their US…. Read More

What is FATCA? Everything US Expats Need to Know

FATCA is an acronym for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. FATCA was signed into law in 2010 as part of a response to the global financial crisis, to crack down…. Read More

What is the Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) or FinCEN Form 114?

In today’s worldwide economy, it is commonplace for U.S. taxpayers to have financial accounts (banking, pension, investment, etc.) located outside of…. Read More

Living Abroad and haven’t filed your US tax returns in years

The IRS stepped up its enforcement of America’s citizenship based taxation system requiring all US citizens and green card holders to file US taxes on their worldwide income…. Read More

Catching up with US tax returns

Whether you are a US citizen who lives at home or abroad, you may be obliged to file a Federal income tax return by the deadline (15th April) if you earned more…. Read More

FBAR: Foreign Account Reporting Requirements

FBAR is an acronym for Foreign Bank Account Report, however it’s not just foreign bank accounts that US expats are required to report on an FBAR…. Read More

What tax exclusions and exemptions are available for Americans living abroad

All US citizens and green card holders who earn over $10,000 a year, or just $400 of self-employment income, are required to file a federal return declaring…. Read More

The IRS Streamlined Procedure is Still a Great Deal for US Expats

Just over a year ago, a reformed IRS Streamlined Procedure launched, offering US expats who weren’t up to date with their tax and FBAR filing a penalty-free…. Read More

Top 5 Reasons to Get Caught Up Your US Tax Returns

While there are approximately 7.6 million Americans living abroad, only about half are actually filing their US tax returns as required by the IRS…. Read More

New Tips on How to File FBAR

The FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) deadline is approaching—do you need to file? It’s important for US expats to first determine if they need to file, then engage…. Read More

5 Things You May Not Know About US Taxes for Expats

Whether you are considering a move overseas or already living the expat lifestyle, it is important to remember that US expats must file a US tax return each year, regardless…. Read More

Potential Issues Regarding the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax

James McCann writing for Bloomberg Law has recently covered 10 potential surprises that U.S. expatriates might encounter concerning the Heroes Earnings Assistance…. Read More

US taxes – The critical differences between the FBAR and Form 8938

In recent years, the US government has implemented new measures to crack down on US expats evading their tax obligations. The newest development is in the form…. Read More

A Comprehensive Guide to Filing Income Tax in China: 2013

Expats who live and work in China are required to pay individual income tax (ITT) and those who are employed by a foreign-invested company in China need to…. Read More

Highlights of the US Tax Code for U.S. Citizens Living Overseas

The intention of this article is to provide an overview of the tax rules and regulations regarding United States citizens, residents, and Green Card holders who live and work…. Read More

US expats wanted for tax survey

Greenback Tax Services who are featured in our Expat Directory are currently gathering information to better understand American expatriate lifestyles…. Read More

A Useful List of Things you Need to Consider When Moving Abroad

No matter where in the world you are planning on relocating to, there are a number of basic steps you will need to take to ensure that your move goes smoothly, you remain…. Read More

An Expat Guide to the French Taxation System

If you’re an expatriate living in France, then there’s a high chance that you will be required to pay taxes on your income and earnings…. Read More

China Expat Tax Filing Requirements for 2011 Tax Year

Expats who live and work in China are required to pay individual income tax (IIT) and those that are employed by a foreign-invested company in China need to pay tax from…. Read More

8 Frequently Asked Questions About Offshore Banking for Expats

Considering using expat offshore banking services? Here are 8 frequently asked questions about offshore banking…. Read More

Starting a Business in the USA: A Guide for Expats

The U.S. is a fantastic place to start a business. A country that is well known for its entrepreneurial spirit, the United States can represent a really rewarding market…. Read More

Choosing the Best Place to Live in the World

If you’re in the fortunate position of choosing where in the world you would like to live, then you really should research which is the best place to live in the world…. Read More

5 Things you Need to do Before Retiring Abroad

More and more people are retiring overseas in a bid to find a higher quality of life in a more relaxing environment and are lured to pastures new with the promise of a…. Read More

Money Management :: Your money and the cost of living

As an expat, or even as a potential expat, you’ll know that along with all the other things you have to think about when you’re setting up in a different country, the impact of a…. Read More

Money Management :: Tax – A practical guide

Tax is never far from the minds of most expats, making it an essential part of money management. Along with a sunny climate and a good quality of life, the benefit of paying less…. Read More

Money Management :: Arranging your finances

The added complexities of expatriate life mean it’s important to get the basics right. As Lisa Wood, Head of Marketing at HSBC Bank International says in the latest HSBC…. Read More

8 Things Every US Expat Should Research Before Moving Overseas

If you’re planning on leaving the United States to sample life overseas there’s a number of things that you should research in advance in order to ensure that you avoid some of the…. Read More

9 US Expat Tax Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

The final date of June 15th for the US tax return is fast approaching and if you have yet to complete all the required documentation then now is the time…. Read More

Non Resident Tax Return Due for US Citizens Living Overseas

April 18th 2011 is the tax-filing deadline for all US citizens, even those living overseas. The close of 2010 saw some changes to US tax laws that will impact the non resident…. Read More

International Offshore Banking: A Special Report

The HSBC Expat Explorer report last week revealed some interesting data regarding expat wealth throughout the world. In addition to this, the report also disclosed that many…. Read More

Working Overseas: Financial Checklist

There are a number of financial matters that you should consider when working overseas. Use our moving abroad finance checklist to ensure that you have everything covered…. Read More

British Budget 2010: What does is mean for existing and potential expats

The question on the minds of many British expatriates after the publication of the UK’s 2010 budget is: how will this affect me? In this article we take a look at what the new budget…. Read More

