cope with lockdown

5 Tips for Expats to Cope With The Lockdown during COVID-19

Find Out How To Cope With The Lockdown during COVID-19

Over the last few months, life has changed drastically for everyone because of the pandemic and the resulting lockdown. COVID-19 has forced countries into varying degrees of lockdown, which has impacted human lives in unimaginable ways. Its effects have left us feeling completely worried, shaken, frustrated, and disoriented.

As an expat, you may be locked down in your host country, trying to cope with the lockdown for new way of living. The unfamiliar situation of self-isolation or confinement to your new abode may get on to your nerves. It can get all the more overwhelming if you are unfamiliar with the local language of your host destination.

Restrictions like social distancing would mean that you will have limited opportunities to make friends abroad during this pandemic. However, this is not time to lament or be too skeptical about the future because life has to go on.

Dealing with confinement and self-isolation is not easy at all. However, expats can take some common-sense advice from fellow expats and adopt techniques to make these unusual circumstances tolerable. Here are a few tips to cope with the lockdown.

cope with lockdown

1. Embrace Stress Management Methods

Increased health concerns and economic uncertainty can take a toll on your mental health. Anxiety and stress levels will be extremely high during this pandemic, which is quite apparent. So, practicing a few stress management techniques can help you out if you are getting too worked up. Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness exercises can be some techniques that you can easily practice at home.

These stress management methods will have a calming effect on your mind and body. Simple activities like cooking your favorite dishes with deep interest during weekends can be great stress busters. There are many apps and YouTube videos to guide you in practicing mini-meditations. Check out free live online yoga or meditation sessions, which are extremely popular these days among expats.

social media sites

2. Reduce Your News Consumption

Switching your TV on to get the latest updates on things happening around the world is entirely legitimate. However, being glued to the news channels for hours to get up-to-date information on the pandemic is a sheer waste of time. The worse part is that you will feel gloomy and helpless when you watch all the deplorable stories. Also, avoid checking out the current updates on this topic on social media sites at regular intervals. The more you stay away from these horrifying news stories, the better it is for you and your mental health.

Kind to Yourself

3. Take Care and Be Kind to Yourself

Living through this COVID-19 crisis is tough, as none of us probably haven’t faced such a situation earlier. We have to go through the phase with a positive attitude. You may be scared and anxious and worried about your next move. However, give yourself sufficient time to regroup, heal, and deal with the negativity all around. You don’t have to force yourself to be positive as it is not a healthy way to cope up with strong emotions in lockdown. With time, all the negative feelings will fade away, and they will be replaced by positivity within.

4. Have Realistic Expectations

Another tip to cope with the lockdown is to be realistic in your approach when it comes to taking care of yourself and your family during the pandemic. It is unrealistic to think that you can manage everything right from homeschooling your children to working from home and keeping your house neat and clean.

You must prioritize your daily tasks and let the less crucial tasks take a back seat a bit. Don’t stress too much about perfection in your daily tasks. There will be disruptions and distractions when you are working from home, but it is normal. Don’t curse yourself for all the mess in your kitchen or living space. Everything will be back to normal once the impact of the pandemic diminishes.

5. Keep in Touch, but Maintain Social Distancing

Confinement or self-isolation during this crisis period doesn’t mean that you have to distance yourself completely from others. You can talk to your next-door neighbors from a few meters away. It is the perfect time to keep in touch with loved ones and friends over Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, etc. Plan Zoom parties or group video calls with people who matter in your life. You will surely need family and social support when you are in a faraway land during this global crisis.

Remember that for expatriates and global nomads alike, it is quite important to obtain some global health insurance coverage that will fully cover COVID-19 related claims. Learn more via our international health insurance page.

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Author: ExpatInfoDesk