The New Hanoian-A Craigslist-style community bulletin board with restaurant listings, classifieds, questions and answers, housing and job listings, and user reviews:

The Grapevine–Hanoi’s arts and culture website, with reviews and previews of concerts, galleries, films and openings. Includes a cultural event calendar:

US Department of State Bureau of Consulate Affairs–Vietnam. The US State Department’s information page for foreign travelers and residents in Vietnam:

Vietnam News–Online version of Vietnam’s English-language daily newspaper:

Goethe Institute Vietnam–German cultural mission in Vietnam, with educational and cultural programs in Hanoi:

Hanoi International Women’s Club–The club is open to all expatriate women living in Vietnam, and the website has information on schools, shopping, community events and charity work.

Vietnam Customs–Official government website with information on imports, exports and taxes. While there is some relevant information on this site, it is not comprehensive or definitive. The actual bureaucratic process may be quite different from what is officially stated.


Vdict–An online dictionary with English-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-English.

Craigslist–The Vietnam Craigslist is centered on Saigon, but sometimes has listings relevant to Hanoi, especially housing listings.

L’Espace–The French cultural center in Hanoi, L’Espace often has exhibits, films and events related to French and Vietnamese culture and art. Website in French and Vietnamese only.
