Expat Research Needs your Help

Expat Research

Expatriate coach Louise Wiles is currently looking for people to participate in her research on trailing partners and is looking for people to participate in an online survey about their experiences when they move abroad. The aim of the research is to identify the challenges and issues that trailing spouses commonly encounter and the types of support that may be of the most use to them:

“My aim is to achieve over 100 responses as this will help to make the survey results more representative and therefore valid. The survey builds on a piece of research I conducted in 2002 for a dissertation as part of a Masters in Occupational Psychology. This investigated the expectations trailing partners had regarding organizational support and the impact its provision had on their adaptation to their lives in Portugal (where I was living at the time).”

The survey is anonymous and there is a link to a free workbook as a thank you for participating. It should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You can complete the survey here.


Author: ExpatInfoDesk