Expat Book Review: Sammy’s Next Move

Sammy’s Next Move by Helen Maffini is aimed at third culture kids (TCK) aged seven and under who regularly relocate due to their parent’s careers or lifestyle. Written by someone who herself spent some of her childhood years living in Japan and who is an educational consultant and certified emotional intelligence trainer, the book is cleverly written to help children to explore some of the emotions they experience during an overseas move.

The book tells the story of Sammy, a young snail who is going through yet another move. Through the events of the tale, Sammy assesses some of the feelings he has about the adventures that are yet to come and the things that he has experienced in the past. While he is very exciting about finding out about the new place he will call home, he is also feeling a sense of sadness at what he is leaving behind.

The events of the story beautifully mirror some of the emotions that many children will face as they undergo a move abroad. Parents who wish to use the story to connect with the children should read the book with them. There are several points in the story that provide parents with an opportunity to encourage their children to openly explore their emotions and these provide children with the prompts they may need to verbalize some of their feelings.

The book is a wonderful book. Aside from the important element of encouraging children to openly explore their emotions, it contains a great children’s story and beautiful illustrations that will capture their imagination.

The book also includes a section for parents, which includes tips on how to help their children during a move abroad and some ideas for projects that may help the move to go more smoothly.

Sammy’s Next Move is available in print and on the Kindle.

Author: ExpatInfoDesk