5 Top Tips for Finding Employment Overseas

Finding employment overseas can be a tremendous challenge. Many people dream of experiencing life abroad but never do find the job that they aspire to. However, just because something is difficult does not mean it is impossible and, providing you have the determination and commitment, the world really can be your oyster. Get your search for employment overseas off to the best possible start by following our 5 top tips for finding work abroad.

1) Really understand your strengths.

When a company creates a new advertising campaign for their products or services, they start by considering what makes their offerings stand out from their competitors. They then market these features to the consumer, telling them why they need to part with their hard earned cash. Think of your career as a new product. You need to tell prospect employers exactly why you are so special. Sure, ten years experience in customer service or sales is great, but you can bet your bottom dollar that there are hundreds of similar candidates available who have the same experience or better. You are at a distinct disadvantage because your experience will be in a foreign market, not the local one, and you therefore need to have something that really stands out and makes you unique.

2) Demonstrate that you really are committed.
Tens of thousands of people seek employment overseas on an annual basis and only a select few actually realize their dreams. One big issue for potential overseas employers is the risk factor; how can they be sure that relocating you to their country will be a success and that you will cope with the demands of living in a foreign country? In order to try and counteract the concerns that overseas employers will have you need to convince them that you are committed to a move abroad and that you do truly understand what you are getting yourself into. Doing some, or all, of the following will contribute towards demonstrating your dedication to finding employment overseas:

  • Learn the local language.
  • Visit your target country on a regular basis.
  • Do voluntary work in your target country so that you can demonstrate that you do know and understand the environment.
  • Watch local films and dramas, information about the culture and customs will be extremely useful during any interviews.

3) Find an ally.
One of the biggest assets you can have when searching for employment overseas is a friend on the ground, an expat who is located in your target country. Inform them of your intentions of finding work in the country and seek their assistance in finding suitable work. As with many jobs, it is often a case of ‘whom you know’ not ‘what you know’ and having assistance from someone who already has a network of contacts can be invaluable.

4) Find a mentor.
One step even better than having a friend based in the host country is actually having a mentor who works in the same industry as you. If you can gain a referral to a person who works in your market you can benefit from their help and advice. Arrange a meeting with him or her and use the time to gain insights into the challenges that are currently present in the field.

5) Take the plunge and just go.
One of the biggest boundaries to finding employment overseas can be your physical location. Finding work in a different country can be virtually impossible when you are situated in a different time zone. If you really are serious about moving overseas then you should consider packing your bags and just going there. Once you are actually in the country you will find it much easier to network yourself and find job vacancies. Make sure you fully research visa requirements before you go and ensure that you have access to a visa that does permit you to seek employment. Also ensure that you have sufficient funds to last the duration of your planned trip.

If you’re looking for work abroad then you will benefit from our free guide to finding an expatriate job. It contains everything you need to know about work overseas.

Author: ExpatInfoDesk