Expat Book Review: Turning International

While many people argue that becoming an expat is not exactly rocket science, taking a look at expatriate life from a scientific perspective can help would-be and present expatriates to understand the actions they can take to make their relocation a success. Taking a scientific look at expatriate life is exactly what psychologist and researcher Catherine Transler does in her new book Turning International.

Turning International presents a comprehensive overview of how people can find balance in their lives after relocating to a new country and culture. Unlike many similar expat guides, Catherine supports her views and advice with cutting-edge ideas from the fields of psychology and neuroscience that are aimed at helping the reader to develop the resilience and outlook they need to feel fulfilled in their expat lives.

The book contains a wide range of different activities and self-help exercises that can help expatriates to understand their emotions and channel them in the best possible manner to make a success of their lives overseas. Supplementing these with her own experiences and that of other expatriates, she produces an essential guide to the realities of life as an expatriate. One of the most positive elements of the book is that is doesn’t assume that all expats are the same. The exercises are purposely intended to help expatriates as individuals to examine their feels and work with their own unique situation.

This book should be on the reading list of every expat who is relocating in the near future or those who have recently moved abroad and are experiencing difficulties getting to grips with life overseas. Through interacting with the book’s exercises you can explore how your move or impending move had impacted your emotions and social relationships and will help you to develop these into more constructive behaviors, embrace your new life and take advantage of all the opportunities that are on offer.

The book is available for purchase from Lulu.

Author: ExpatInfoDesk