5 Expat Coaches That Could Help You to Transform Your Life

Moving overseas and living in a foreign country far away from your friends and family can present a huge challenge, even for people who have previous experience of living abroad.

If you do relocate, and find that you are having a hard time adjusting to your new life, don’t worry. This is perfectly normal and many people do take a long time to settle into life overseas. The good news is that help is available and it is often only a phone call away.

An expat coach can really help you to transform your life abroad and they can become an invaluable partner throughout your relocation. Here’s 5 expatriate coaches that are worth checking out.

John Falchetto

John Falchetto is a man with a fascinating story and he now spends a significant proportion of his time sharing this story via his regular updated blog postings. He specializes in assisting expatriate entrepreneurs to fulfill their potential and offers coaching from the perspective of a successful entrepreneur who has first-hand experience of starting successful companies overseas. This is the guy to consult if you have a dream of running your own business abroad.

Website: http://expatlifecoach.com

Twitter handle: http://twitter.com/#!/expatlifecoach

Nita Talwar

Having lived in the United States, Netherlands, and India, Nita is more than familiar with the challenges of starting a new life overseas and she now shares the things she has learning from her own life as an expatriate by coaching others. Nita specializes in providing parent coaching to parents and small groups and has a great deal of experience with globally mobile families and families that are in intercultural relations.

Website: www.peakexperienceparenting.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Peak-Experience-Parenting/129853787066099

Dr. Gerrit Pelzer

Dr. Pelzer focuses on assisting busy expatriate executives to maintain a healthy work-life balance while also ensuring that they achieve their full potential. Drawing from his own senior management experience, he utilizes his practical experience to help executives to deal with business challenges and succeed in the workplace. Dr. Pelzer has working in Europe and Asia and is now based in Bangkok.

Website: http://www.vivocoaching.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VivoCoaching

Renee Lederman

Renee is an American expatriate who has traveled, worked and lived in over 6 different continents. She specializes in assisting expatriate women and families and does a large amount of working with TCKs and expatriate family groups. Renee has a wide range of experience as a councilor and psychotherapist and she draws on this to provide expatriate women with the tools they need to make a success of their lives overseas.

Website: www.empoweringexpatwomen.com

Patricia Comolet

Patricia is a multicultural/intercultural coach who specializes in assisting people with their relocation and helps people to address the emotions they go through as they prepare for departure, attempt to integrate with the local population and face returning home when they eventually repatriate. Having been born in born and raised in the US, lived and worked in Holland, Switzerland, Israel, Sudan, India, Germany and France, this is most certainly someone who knows what they are talking about.

Website: www.camcomcoaching.com

To find an expatriate coach suitable for your needs, consult the Expat Coach Association.

Author: ExpatInfoDesk