Looking for Work Overseas? Don’t Miss the 2011 Language Recruitment Fair

If you’re looking for work overseas and are bilingual or multilingual then you shouldn’t miss the 2011 Bilingual People Language Recruitment Fair. The expo event, which is sponsored by online language job site www.toplanguagejobs.de, offers individuals who are looking to practice and develop their language skills abroad an opportunity to network with recruiters and international organizations who are searching for skilled linguists.

The fair will be held in Berlin on September the 3rd 2011 at the Marriott Hotel , Inge – Beisheim and will feature exhibitions, a full seminar program and face-to-face CV and resume career coaching. A number of top organizations have confirmed their attendance including IBM, BASF, Beeswax Europe and Abroad Experience and there will be an opportunity to discuss job vacancies in a variety of areas, including Customer Service, Accountancy & Finance, IT, Sales, Marketing and Translation.

Interested parties should visit http://www.bilingualpeople.de/candidate/register/
 to register for tickets. There are a number of free places available and these will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis.

Read the full article: http://www.toplanguagejobs.de

Author: ExpatInfoDesk