News articles have been written about Mumbai

Indian companies reduce their hiring of expatriates

Slowly it seems Indian companies are reducing the number of expatriates on their payrolls and are focusing on hiring Indians with the requisite global experience. Though…. Read More

India’s Appeal to Expats has Plummeted

India’s attractiveness as a destination for expatriate professionals has plummeted following the recent proliferation of rape cases and attacks on foreigners a…. Read More

India Set to Become Preferred Expat Destination

A new study has revealed that India is becoming increasingly attractive as a destination for expatriates. Research that was completed by the Association of …. Read More

Where Are the Highest Paid Expats in Asia

Expatriates living in Hong Kong are being paid less than their counterparts in Japan, India and South Korea a research report that was published yesterday reveals….. Read More

Top Emerging Markets for Expat Relocations Revealed

A recent survey of 116 multinational corporations has revealed that India and China are the most popular emerging market destinations for expatriate relocations…. Read More

India Remains a Challenging Expat Destination

India was named as the second most challenging country for expatriates to live and work in within a recent research report issued by the Economist Intelligence Unit…. Read More

India tops poll as being the most bureaucratic place for expats to live

India tops poll as being the most bureaucratic place for expats to live The Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) have named India as possessing the most…. Read More

Expat recruitment on the rise in India

According to reports in Indian newspapers, business owners in this Asian country are increasingly turning to expatriates to fill skills gaps. India’s information technology…. Read More

Expat recruitment on the increase in India

The past two years has seen an increase in the recruitment of non-resident Indians and expats in India according to reports by Indian newspaper The Financial…. Read More

Indian Visa Rules Cause Confusion for Expatriates

The Indian government’s sudden change of visa rules has caused confusion for expatriates once again with the strict new visa requirements that were introduced…. Read More

Expat spouses face visa issues in India

It seems that the passage to India for accompanying spouses may be less than smooth when it comes to gaining suitable employment. At present, foreign…. Read More