Why Are So Many Americans Moving Abroad

Americans Moving Abroad

Once the most popular place in the world for those looking to immigrate to pastures new, it appears that the USA is no longer the great place to live that it once was and citizens are leaving the country in their droves.

In a recent series of posts on “The Economic Collapse Blog,” editor Michael Snyder discusses the apparent appeal of life abroad for American citizens and questions why so many of them are leaving their home for greener pastures. According to Synder, those that are relocating and looking for a safer place to live for themselves and their families and seek more security for their futures: “A lot of Americans have decided that the best future for their children and their grandchildren is going to be found in another part of the globe,” he says.

Synder’s claims are not without evidence and he cites a number of statistics from a recent CNBC program and other research that examined trends in Americans moving abroad. According to figures they ascertained from the US State Department, 6.3 million Americans are currently living or working overseas. Not only is the highest number that has ever been recorded, it is made all the more worrying by the fact that the percentage of Americas aged between 25 and 34 who plan to relocate in the near future has quintupled in just two years, from less than 1 percent to 5.1 percent. Furthermore, a shocking 40 percent of all Americans in the 18-to-24 age group are expressing interest in relocation outside of the United States.

But just what is so appealing about life overseas for the American population. According to Synder the answer is straightforward: “A lot of Americans want to escape this country before they get sucked into the vortex of poverty that has trapped so many other American families. 2.6 million more Americans fell into poverty last year. In addition, according to the U.S. Census Bureau the percentage of Americans living in extreme poverty today is higher than has ever been measured before. As poverty and despair spread across the United States, the fabric of our society is breaking down.”

Are you a US citizen who has moved abroad. What were your reasons and motivations? Leave a comment and share your views with our expatriate community.

Author: ExpatInfoDesk