American Citizens Abroad
Business Description

ACA’s mission is to educate, advocate and inform both the US Government and US Citizens living and working abroad on regulatory and legislative issues of concern to the overseas American community. ACA is at the forefront with issues of tax and compliance, citizenship, access to voting and other issues of importance to the overseas US citizen community.  Check out our website for complete information on ACA.

The US State Department estimates this community to be nearly 9 million strong (US State Department Chart of Statistics).  ACA is a qualified 501c4 non-profit and is non-partisan.  ACA Global Foundation (ACAGF) a qualified 501c3 non-profit is the educational and research branch of ACA.
ACA educates both the US Government and US Citizens living and working overseas on critical issues impacting the overseas American community.

ACA advocates for a balanced approach to problem-solving and supports efforts that provide tangible results.
