Hang on to equities, expert urges expats

The article from The Telegraph online advises expats who have savings to hold on to them for as long as they can. WIth the current economic climate getting worse, many expats are panicking and cashing in their shares and saving bonds.

However, a study by Barclays shows that while there may be great losses at the minute, things will improve and the slump will be followed by a rise and if expats can afford to hold on to their money, they will not notice the decrease.

Periods of loss and depression are always followed by more prosperous times. It is worth considering the long-term investmnt rather than what it is doing in these times of economic crisis.

Read the full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/expat/4799663/Hang-on-to-equities-expert-urges-expats.html