Long Distance Relationships

Making Long-Distance Relationships Work

If it is not possible for your spouse to follow you abroad, or if they are really unhappy and have decided to move back home, you will may have to cope with a long-distance marriage or relationship. Long distance relationships can be very difficult and, in order for them to work, you will both need to work very hard.

When work separates couples, it can be very difficult. However, relationships do last despite the loneliness and frustration of being apart from each other. It requires effort, dedication and trust… but it is possible.

The following are some points to help you work through even the most difficult of times:

  • Always communicate with each other. Long distance relationships require much more time and effort to make this possible but it is all the more important. Try and stay in daily contact with each other – either by phone, email or through the internet.
  • Trust your partner and remain committed yourself.
  • When you are together, make the most of the time.
  • Learn to appreciate your spouse fully and never take each other for granted.
  • Be positive and look to the future when you will be reunited on a permanent basis. Always try to have flights booked for your next meeting so that you both have something to look forward to.
  • Long distance relationships shouldn’t mean that you live separate lives. Continue to take joint decisions and share responsibilities.
  • Don’t cut yourself off from society. Pick up on an old hobby or find new friends.
  • Try and have an end date in mind for when you will once again be reunited and live in the same city. This can help to ensure that you can both see where your relationship is heading to in the future.

You should always enter into a long-distance relationship with you eyes wide open. It will be challenging and it will be difficult, but it may also offer you an opportunity to rediscover yourself.

Advantages of a Long-Distance Relationship

  • You will have time to advance your career because you will have more time for yourself and your own needs.
  • It may force you into taking up a new hobby or trying something new.
  • You will be able to focus on your personal growth and have an opportunity to do things for yourself.
  • If you have moved away for work purposes it will allow you the space to concentrate on settling in.

Disadvantages of a Long-Distance Relationship

  • You will miss each other and may feel very lonely at times.
  • Your time together will be limited and often stressful because you know you will be parted again soon.
  • You may become insecure and worry about what your partner is doing and who they are with.
  • You will have to work a lot harder at your relationship than if you were both living at home

By working together and keeping in regular contact, you will be able to make your long distance relationship work.

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