disadvantages of living overseas

What is Culture Transition Coaching and do You Need It

Culture transition coaching is a type of personal coaching that aims to help people who relocate abroad for the first time to adjust to their new life in a new location. People of all backgrounds and needs may decide to commence culture transition coaching and whether you have a new job abroad, are relocating as part of your partner’s need to move overseas or are simply looking to experience living in a new environment, it may be beneficial to you.

Moving abroad isn’t easy and even individuals who have been dreaming of sampling life in pastures new will experience some negative emotions when they first relocate. Whether it is fear, loneliness, stress, lack of confidence, boredom, guilt or frustration, it is entirely normal for you to suffer from feelings that may affect your overall happiness. This is where culture transition coaching can be invaluable. Experts who have worked with expatriates from many different types of backgrounds will be help you to make sense of your surroundings, identify your purpose, develop a sense of belonging and channel any negative feelings in a positive manner.

Interestingly, many expats spend a great deal of effort planning every element of their move abroad. They may plan where they are going to live, the schools their children will attend and even which restaurants they are going to sample. However, very few actually stop to consider the emotional elements of a move abroad and the ways in which these can be managed. Failing to do this can be catastrophic and many expatriates describe the effects that the sudden realization that they are living on the other side of the world from their friends and family among people and traditions that are so different from their own can have.

It is at this point that unexpected emotions can manifest themselves in ways that we never even imagined. Culture transition coaches can work with expats from all types of backgrounds to deal practically and pragmatically with the challenges of moving and living abroad. They are generally expatriates themselves or people who has vast experience of working with individuals who have experienced life living in different countries and cultures. Culture transition coaches will generally apply proven methodologies and techniques to help expatriates and their families to make sense of their new lives, adjust to their surroundings and overcome any negative emotions associated with their move abroad. Just some of the issues that they may deal with are as follows:

• The trailing spouse who has relocated as part of their partner’s career move and who is experiencing difficulties carving a role for themselves.
• Children who have been separated from their friends and are finding it hard to meet new ones in their host country.
• Single expats who want to date but are finding communication barriers are getting in the way.
• Professionals who are working in a new team but are experiencing cultural and management clashes.

If you’re experiencing difficulties dealing with the life changes and transitions associated with moving overseas, an expat coach or culture transition expert may be able to help you to make your new life a success.

Author: ExpatInfoDesk