The Trailing Spouse Remains Top Concern for Recruiters

Recent research indicates that recruiters are becoming increasingly focused on providing assistance for the trailing spouse in a bit to lore talent overseas.

According to recent research by Brookfield Relocation Services, only 15% of spouses who were gainfully employed in their home country were able to find suitable work once they had moved overseas as part of a transfer aimed at furthering their partner’s careers. This represents a 10% deduction in the previous year’s figure of 25% and indicates that despite the fact that overseas assignments may be back on the rise, the problem of the trailing spouse very much remains.

Discussing the results in The New York Times, Scott Sullivan, an executive vice president of Brookfield Global Relocation Services, who published the annual survey, revealed that concerns over the availability of suitable positions for trailing spouses are acting as a real deterrent for those who are considering a move overseas. Speaking to The New York Times, Yvonne McNulty, an expert in mobility issues from James Cook University’s Singapore campus confirmed that concerns over a lack of career opportunities was the number one reason for individuals refusing international assignments.

Gene Manheim, who spoke on the subject of finding and recruiting executives at last week’s Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition 2011, confirmed the importance of acknowledging the trailing spouse. He said that the issue of the trailing spouse remained a top concern for many recruiters: “Two-income families are the norm, and a two-income family will be worried about whether the spouse will find a job, and if so, how long will that take,” he said.

Speaking to The New York Times, Susan R. Ginsberg confirmed his opinions: “It has gone from nice to have to a must-have strategic support service,” said Susan R. Ginsberg, vice president, global services for Ricklin-Echikson Associates.

If you are contemplating a move overseas as a trailing spouse and are concerned about what this may mean for you make sure you check out our free guide: Expat Partners.

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